Africans Viewpoint

Why Do Stories Of Fatherless Chinese Kids In Africa Disempower African Women?

By Dagny Zenovia As trade and development between Africa and China expands, another layer of relations…

China Opens New African Cocoa Marketing Center And Coffee Street

Ghana’s Embassy in China, in collaboration with the Hunan government, has opened an African Cocoa Marketing Center…

Why Is COVID-19 Intensifying The Exodus Of Africans From China?

By Amodani Gariba Following the earliest outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan, most foreign nationals wanted an…

Ghanaian Player Makes History As First Captain Of A Chinese Topflight Side

A Ghanaian football star, Frank Acheampong, has been named captain of a top Chinese football club,…

Ethiopia Will Launch Second Satellite In October Thanks To Help From China

Ethiopia plans to launch a second satellite in October 2020 with the help of China. The…

There Are 6 Chinese Trawlers Seeking A Fish License In Liberia’s Waters

Major concerns have been raised by Liberia’s Artisanal Fishermen’s Association and local community fisheries associations, following the…

Why Is China’s Recent International Posturing Self-Defeating?

By Amodani Gariba Before Den Xiaoping, China pretty much kept to itself, with the exception of…

Why Is Namibia’s Competition Commission Blocking The Sale Of Major Cement Manufacturer To A Chinese Buyer?

A N$1,5 billion deal between West China Cement Limited and Ohorongo Cement Pty Ltd, Namibia’s biggest…

Why Has Kenya Stopped The Importation Of PPEs From China?

Kenya’s Health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe has announced that Kenya will no longer import PPEs from…

Why Is China’s Prime Interest In Africa Political & Not Economic?

By Amodani Gariba On the continent of Africa, China has acquired a notorious reputation of predatory…