Africans Viewpoint

Why Is A Parliamentary Panel Urging Kenya To Renegotiate Rail Loan

As COVID-19 keeps ravaging the economies and finances of many African countries, the issue of loans…

Why Ghana’s Vice President Touted Relations With China At 60th Anniversary Symposium

At a virtual symposium to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of Ghana-China diplomatic relations,…

Will China’s Lending Behavior Change With Scrutiny From Africa

By Amodani Gariba As China’s trade increased in Africa, so did its loan commitments to countries…

Call For Application: Startup Funding Opportunity

GHANA-CHINA ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL WEEK 2020 As part of the week long celebration of the friendship…

How China Is Funding A New Botanical Garden In Kenya To Create A ‘Green’ Africa

When it comes to efforts to ensure environment-friendly development in Africa, China is one of the…

My Experience In China During The Pandemic: “Fight The Pandemic With One Heart”

I would also advise anyone coming to China to learn the Chinese language and culture to…

This Is Why China’s Reputation In Africa Remains Resilient

A recent ‘sneak peek from 18 countries’ by Afrobarometer has revealed that the perception of China…

This Is Why There Is Prime African Opportunity Between Waning Sino-Australian Relations

By Amodani Gariba Until recently, Australia, amongst all the well-known liberal democracies, had a buoyant economic…

Why Is China Criticizing Zimbabwe’s Mining Policies For Prioritizing Its People

The Chinese Embassy in Harare has publicly admonished President Mnangagwa’s administration to put Zimbabwe citizens first…

How Will Kenya Set Up A Distribution Center In China With Falling Demand For Tea In Asia

Kenya has ramped up strategies to increase its profit share in China’s booming black tea market…