My Experience In China During The Pandemic: “Communication Would Have Eased A Lot Of Tension”

Simple communication of why a mandatory testing and imposed quarantine had to be done to Africans,…

African Cocoa Can Reach New Heights With Chinese African Trading Center

By Dagny Zenovia The African cocoa market is experiencing a move to new heights. A trading…

Kenya MPs Want Dangerous Freight To Use China-funded SGR Railway

Kenya’s parliament is pushing for all dangerous cargoes from Mombasa to Nairobi and beyond to be…

What Does China’s New Immigration Law Promise African Immigrants

By Amodani Gariba In August 2019, three months before the break out of coronavirus in Wuhan,…

Why Africa Refuses To Support US Campaign Against Huawei

In the past few months, China’s tech giant, Huawei, has come under intense pressure from the…

Why Do Stories Of Fatherless Chinese Kids In Africa Disempower African Women?

By Dagny Zenovia As trade and development between Africa and China expands, another layer of relations…