African Cocoa Can Reach New Heights With Chinese African Trading Center

By Dagny Zenovia The African cocoa market is experiencing a move to new heights. A trading…

Why Is Namibia’s Competition Commission Blocking The Sale Of Major Cement Manufacturer To A Chinese Buyer?

A N$1,5 billion deal between West China Cement Limited and Ohorongo Cement Pty Ltd, Namibia’s biggest…

Did China Help Make Aliko Dangote Africa’s Richest Man?

Dangote has consistently leveraged products, technology, and know-how from China to build products and access resources…

How China Is Changing Its Financing Approach In Africa

There is now a new China financing approach with funding infrastructure in Africa through public-private partnerships.

This Is Why China Inserts Sovereign Immunity Clauses In Loan Agreements With Africa

Sovereign Immunity Clauses are standard in China loan agreements. Do these clauses benefit or hinder Africa?