This Is How Africa Leverages China’s $730B Belt And Road Initiative To Face Climate Change Risk

There could be an opportunity, while leveraging China’s Belt and Road Initiative, to develop in a…

Expert reveals why Chinese investors love doing business in Africa

A trade and value addition expert Isaac Demuyakor, PhD, has revealed what attracts Chinese investors to…

Beyond Beijing: Finding Hidden Gems in China’s Investment Landscape

While Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen remain China's star cities for investors, there are hidden gems in…

Business partnership opportunities for Africans and Chinese – Part 2

The entrepreneurial prowess of Africans are maturing and we look at opportunities in the Chinese market…

Can Africa Rise On Its Own After Relying On China’s Investment

Infrastructure is what Africa needs most and what China can provide. The question is whether Africa…

Could The US Rival China’s Infrastructural Funding In Africa?

How does the US approach compare to China’s infrastructural financing in Africa? Will it disrupt relations…

African Leaders Challenge U.S. Stance On China After U.S.-Africa Investment Meeting

After a virtual investment meeting with the U.S. Trump Administration, African leaders challenge the U.S. stance…

Angola Minister Wants Cooperation With China To Shift To Agriculture Development

In an interview entitled “Model of cooperation between the two countries requires innovation”, the Angolan minister…

Why Is Namibia’s Competition Commission Blocking The Sale Of Major Cement Manufacturer To A Chinese Buyer?

A N$1,5 billion deal between West China Cement Limited and Ohorongo Cement Pty Ltd, Namibia’s biggest…